Natural Family Planning

In my work as a couples counselor, I am frequently asked about Natural Family Planning resources to help couples improve their marriages and them learn more about reproductive health and fertility issues. Below are some resources that I highly recommend for couples of all ages and stages.

Leah Moretz is a physician assistant and Natural Family Planning instructor. Working as a PA, Leah was dissatisfied with the few options available for women who struggled with gynecological or fertility issues. She became certified in NFP to help women and couples further understand the biomarkers of a woman's cycle. These signs throughout the cycle are imperative for assessing both overall health and fertility. More NFP education is available on Leah’s Instagram.

Leah is available nationwide as a telehealth provider.

Recommended Books

The following are books that I recommend for couples and individuals who are looking to improve their relationships, mental health, and spirituality. Simply click the image to view or purchase books.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Dr. John Gottman & Nan Silver

A great book for examining examining and improving spousal relationships as well as how to communicate more effectively and resolve conflicts more quickly.

Boundaries by Drs. Cloud & Townsend

Healthy boundaries are often difficult to develop and maintain. This book offers insight and wisdom to create healthy boundaries in all relationships.

The Mindful Catholic by Dr. Greg Bottaro

A great book on mindfulness from a Catholic perspective and how it can apply to your daily life to improve peace and wellbeing.

The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

A book that helps navigate the impact of trauma, as well as how to navigate healing from and processing past instances of trauma.

Parenting with Love & Logic by Cline & Fay

Parenting is difficult for everyone and it is not without big and small challenges. This book helps to navigate how to take care of ourselves as parents as well as how to effectively discipline and teach children of all ages.

Children, Technology, & Mental Health

One of the most requested areas where we are asked for help is when it comes to protecting children in a world of technology, social media, and harmful narratives. Our goal is to grow this page with helpful tips and strategies for safeguarding children’s devices, protecting children from harm, and caring for our children’s mental health.